Mobil Indien Expo

Mobil Indien Expo

From March 19, 2025 until March 21, 2025

I New Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, Indien

Indsendt af Canton Fair Net

Kategorier: Elektronikindustrien, Telekomindustrien

Hits: 7816

Mobile India Expo - Mobile Technology Events, Konferencer, Expo, Nye lanceringer, Udstillinger, Messer i Indien

India is the second-largest mobile phone market in the world. With a growing urban population, increasing disposable income and an increasing number of internet users, the outlook for the next five years looks very promising. The Mobile Accessories & Smart Gadgets Industry will most likely benefit from this smartphone boom. The mobile accessories market in India, which was valued at 238 Mn US$ by 2022, is expected to grow 9.72% CAGR from 2023 to 3030. The market is expected to grow further due to the advancement in Smart Wireless Accessories, including wearables and hearables.Mobile India Expo is India's first and leading expo of Mobile Devices, Accessories & Gadgets ecosystem. It provides a strong platform for buyers-sellers to all stakeholders in the industry. This premium platform provides a valuable opportunity for brand owners, manufacturers and OEMs/ODMs to network with international buyers, corporate buyers, wholesalers and stockists as well as retailers, department store, e-tailers and end users.

Mobile India Expo er den største mobile udstilling i Indien. Den er specielt designet til at imødekomme virksomhedernes behov. Udnyt den betydelige brandeksponering og maksimer din mulighed for at skabe forbindelse til din målgruppe.

Denne begivenhed er en fantastisk mulighed for at fremvise og præsentere dine innovationer for et globalt netværk af fagfolk i mobilindustrien.